This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of DriveTime. The opinions and text are all mine.
Have you received your tax refund yet? Have you made a plan so you can spend your tax refund wisely?
For many families, this is the most anticipated time of year. Even better than Christmas… unless Saint Nicholas likes you more than me and stuffs your stocking with cash… in which case, I am coming to visit you for Christmas this year!
Truly, Spring brings sunshine, daffodils, butterflies, and… Uncle Sam reaching into his pockets to give you back what he owes you, and you have a choice to make. You could save it or spend it.
Save it?!?!?
Boo! Hiss! No one wants to put that money into savings! We want to spend it as badly as a kid who just found a $5 bill on the sidewalk outside of the candy store. But before you have the bank bust that check into tens and twenties, let’s think of some smart ways you could get the thrill of shopping with your tax refund… but wisely.
Spend Your Tax Refund Wisely. Avoid Regret Later.
1) Pay Off Debt
Technically, this is not shopping… unless you count all the shopping you did when you didn’t have the money and racked up the credit cards. So remember that adrenaline rush from your last “great buy” as you write the check to the bank.
There is no greater relief than writing out the last payment on a debt, but even if you cannot shred that bill forever, playing down your debt – especially unsecured debt – is always a great idea.
2) Purchase a Car
True Story… Bill’s car is falling to pieces. The engine is stellar but pieces of the car’s interior are just falling off. The dashboard appears to be sinking… Don’t know where it is going, but apparently the dash has no intention on staying with the car much longer.
So, if you are in a similar situation, take your tax refund shopping for a new-to-you car. I have my eye on this sweet number at DriveTime.
Doesn’t it look like it is smiling at me!?! Such a sexy grin…
Hello, gorgeous!
And I think Bill deserves a car that isn’t longing for death because he works hard to make my life happen. He needs a happy (and somewhat sexy) car.
>>Check for a DriveTime dealer near you!<<
Forgive me for drooling… I’ve been driving a minivan for too long.
3) Make Home Improvements
Putting money back into your home to maintain its current value or adding to your home to increase its value is always a wise investment.
Take a walk around your house and check for repairs that need to be made before they cost more because you procrastinated. Water damage. Tree roots pushing up the sidewalk. New addition?
4) Continue Your Education
If you have been held back for a promotion or cannot get a better job due to a missing skill or degree, put your money to work for you by taking specialized classes or pursuing a new certification. Ultimately, you will make your money back through your increased pay!
5) Start a Business
I will be the first to tell you that owning your own business is not easy, but it is possible! You could use your tax refund to get the licensing you need as well as supplies and promotional items to help launch you into a new career.
Think Before You Spend That Tax Refund
The point of this story is to STOP before you SHOP. Really put some thought into how you could use your tax refund to improve your home, to invest in yourself, and to make life better for your family.
How will you spend your tax refund?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of DriveTime. The opinions and text are all mine.
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