Sometimes, I feel very alone.
When I am thinking about Lira and the obstacles she has overcome, the challenges we still face, and the uncertainty of her future, I get this sinking feeling in my stomach.
While I know that God made her according to His purpose, I still cannot shake the feeling of being alienated from other parents. Does anyone really understand what this feel like?
Recently, Jenny from Many Hats Mommy asked me is I would be willing to review a book to which she had contributed. I adore Jenny and the advocate that she is for Autism Awareness so, of course, I agreed. When the book arrived, I had the sensation that something big was about to happen in my life.
I waited until the children were in bed to open the book and read.
Wit and Wisdom from the Parents of Special Needs Kids: Mostly True Stories of Life on the Spectrum (Volume 1) is a compilation of over 40 stories. Some joyous. Some heart-wrenching. All personal.
With each page, I gained a new awareness. I realized that I am not alone. There are hundreds of families out there just like our family. Some of them deal with the exact same situations we face each day. Some deal with more than I can comprehend.
If you are the parent of a child with special needs, I highly recommend this book. Whether you need a good cry, a good laugh, or a reminder that you are not alone, Wit and Wisdom from the Parents of Special Needs Kids will give you the encouragement you need to be the parent your child needs you to be.
Thanks for such a kind review, Tabitha! When I got to read everyone else’s stories in this book, I felt the same way. I like to say that Wit & Wisdom is 40 instant friends!
And by the way, I adore you, too. I want to be like you when I grow up. 🙂 You have such a beautiful blog!
You’re so sweet. Made me laugh. Makes up for all the tears I have cried reading this book! 😉
Thanks so much for this Tabitha! I’m SO pleased that you enjoyed the book and have thought enough of it to pass the word. We are very proud of it and of all of the contributors!
No, thank you Lynn! This book is such an encouragement to me and I sincerely appreciate it.
I have also a son with autism and a daughter with selective mutism. It is indeed a lonely place, at times scary, my son is doing great still there are many challenges ahead. My daughter will graduate from High school next year, she is an honor student and she has overcome what doctors said she will not. My son continues to attend a school for children with autism he is 18, he is amazing, with so much love in his heart and so bright, unfortunately people sometimes cannot see that. he has done incredible progress although language continues to be a challenge , but everyday he continues to add more words to his vocabulary and uses more long sentences. It has been a lot of work but I wouldn’t change a bit of it, God gave me this beautiful family, I am a lucky lady.
God bless your precious family, Maria! What an incredible testimony. 🙂