Terri M asked this question recently…
…Wondering if you could think about blogging about “how to make those little unexpected short trips frugal as well.” I have had two of those this week and it was more than my weekly budget – OUCH!
I used to run to the store three or more times a week because I would realize we were out of something. So frustrating to think you are done with your shopping only to have to go back. Plus, when you run into the store for “just one thing” you often see other stuff and toss that into your shopping cart as well.
So, the first key to cutting back on these expenses is to wait. Do not go… unless it is an emergency. Keep a shopping list on the side of your refrigerator and train everyone in your house to write on it if they use the last of something, notice that something is low, or if they have a need.
Before you leave for the store, review the list and ask each person in your house if they can think of anything else. This is going to be an important step when you get home and they say, “I forgot…” “Oh, Honey, I am so sorry! I wish you had told me before I went to the store. I will pick it up for you next week. Go write it on the list so we do not forget.” Mean? Maybe. Frugal? Definitely!
Second, if those emergency trips pop up ~ and I do mean EMERGENCY ~ pull out the coupons you will need before you leave and put on your “tunnel vision.” Take only as much cash as you will need for that item and leave your debit card at home. Force yourself to just get what you went for and nothing else.
Don’t forget! Penny will answer your questions LIVE on Thursday night at 8:30 PM via WebChat!
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