146 Days until Christmas
Are you ignoring the inevitable or preparing for holiday shopping? By preparing ahead… way ahead… you can save enough to pay cash for all of your Christmas shopping.
1. Stash away cash in a savings sock.
This is a method we personally use for savings towards special vacations and holidays. While you might laugh, our savings sock is an easy way to keep us motivated to save.
2. Consider some very basic ways to save money a little at a time.
Whether it is never spending a $5 bill or by setting up a Christmas savings account, you can put money aside in very small increments that will add up after several months.
3. Think of ways to increase your income.
Even if you do not have the time to invest in a second job, you probably have some skills you could use to bring in a little extra income. I like to sell designer gourmet apples and cinnamon rolls. Maybe you sew or can detail a car like no one else. Be creative.
4. Have a yard sale.
As the weather begins to cool off… if it ever begins to cool off… people will start venturing out looking for deals. Take advantage of their treasure-hunting enthusiasm by cashing in of the things you never use.
If you have more valuable items or if you do not want to spend the time having people nickle and dime you, consider placing your extra stuff in a consignment sale.
Or, just shop for FREE…
If you start early enough, you will not even need cash for Christmas shopping. You can just Christmas shop for free using social shopping groups.
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