I hear them all the time. Excuses. Reasons why a person cannot coupon. Beliefs that coupons are not worth the effort. Misconceptions about prices.
It really makes me sad. So, I decided to tackle some of those misconceptions.
There are not any coupons for what I use.
Really? You don’t bathe? Use shampoo? Deodorant?
I apologize for the sarcasm, but these days, with the popularity of coupons, you can find coupons for just about anything. Whether organics, produce, dairy (I have a coupon for milk on my printer as I type this)… coupons come available for almost everything eventually. Maybe you just do not know where to look. (Check out my COUPONS tab for a long list of online coupon websites or DAY SEVEN of the Online Coupon Workshop for more information about where to find coupons.)
Our family does not eat convenience foods and our cleaners are homemade so my coupon use is limited to coupons for personal products and toiletries, dairy, cereals,diapers, and pet care items. Still, just from that selection, our savings are significant.
Generics are cheaper than name brand products even when I use a coupon.
This is a HUGE myth but some people refuse to believe anything else.
If a brand name item is at a rock bottom sales price and you can use a coupon on top of that price, you will save a large percentage in comparison to the generic product. I guarantee it. I have done it time and time again.
Now, if your stockpile is low, you need something NOW, and it is not on sale, check the price per unit and pick up the generic if it is a better value. But, watch for the next sale and restock your pantry.
Matching the sales advertisements to the coupons is too much work.
Stop. Did you just say that you match the sales advertisements to the coupons yourself? Save yourself some time and energy by using a website which offers coupon matchups. Personally, I use Southern Savers and would not go to the store without checking there first. She even has a Coupon Database for finding the coupons which might not be listed through the matchups.
Of course, a coupon matchup list works best for a person who organizes their coupons inserts by date.
I will just shop at Walmart because they always have the lowest price so who needs coupons!
I have tried over and over again to go to Walmart and snatch a deal. When I can go and match sales ads from other stores to make a one-stop shop, it works. But, if there are items I need that are not on sale elsewhere or perhaps that I just notice on the shelves, the prices are crazy high compared to the rock bottom sales prices which come available at other stores every six to eight weeks.
I don’t have time to clip coupons.
Couponing is not worth my time.
I hear ya. I’m busy too and there are weeks where I just cannot breathe let alone look in the direction of my coupon binder. But, when you do the math, if you save a minimum of $200 a month by using the stockpile-coupon method and you are only investing 3 hours per week, then you are paying yourself $16.67 per hour.
That’s a really nice part time job!
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