With young children, my Mommy-heart aches (not to mention my budget) every time a new toy hits the market. Even though I love giving our children the things they love, I dread the expense. When our last trip through a local supercenter revealed the latest in Angry Birds and Bad Piggies play sets, I knew we had trouble. However, when I received a package from Zulily, the box beckoned to be recycled.
To make your DIY Bad Piggies play set, all you need is:
- Bad Piggies figures
- Cardboard box
- Box cutter
- Clear packaging tape
- Velcro dots
And if you are a perfectionist:
- Scrapbooking or contact paper
- Ruler or smooth edge
How to make a Bad Piggies Play Set
First, cut your cardboard box into strips of almost equal width or be persnickety and use a ruler. Then, score the strips where you will be folding the cardboard to shape a box, but do not cut all the way through the cardboard.
Fold the strip into a box shape, overlapping slightly for stability, and secure with packaging tape. For some boxes, this is enough, although to make TNT boxes, you will need to cut two squares and completely seal the box.
Add velcro dots in different areas on the boxes to hold the pieces together in a vehicle formation.
My children also drew balloons, propellers, bottles, and other items from the Bad Piggies app that we cut and pasted to pieces of cardboard, attaching to the vehicle with velcro dots.
The children placed the cardboard pieces on a skateboard to give our Bag Piggies vehicle wheels, and with the velcro dots, they were able to disassemble and reassemble the contraption over and over again in different shapes.
Looking for more Bad Piggies fun?
- Check out our Bad Piggies birthday party for games, favors and a Bad Piggies birthday cake idea.
- We also had a blast at an Angry Birds birthday party that included printable masks for those Bad Piggies and a fun slingshot game.
- If you have more cardboard boxes than you know what to do with, consider these 20 ways to play with a cardboard box.
- And, finally, if you want a way to make Bad Piggies and Angry Birds more educational, consider a round up of Angry Birds printables and other fun printable pages.
cam says
Awesome idea! My boys each had a set of Angry Birds/Pig figures from their birthdays, and for Christmas last year, I bought them each a slingshot. They then used their massive wooden block collection to build pig towers, hiding the pigs inside various places, and had a blast shooting the birds at the towers with the slingshots. That was December, and to this day, seven months later, they STILL play this extensively (and have gotten incredibly elaborate in the tower-building), several days a week. Waaay more than they ask to play the electronic game on the iPod. I feel like SuperMom! lol! So should you!
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PlayDrMom says
This is GREAT! Simple, but oh so fun and cute! My kids will love this idea!
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katepickle says
Oooh this is SO cool! Though I am terrible at this game on my phone! LOL
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Shelly says
I love this idea. I am always on the look out for new games that I can share with my kids in children’s church and I think this will be a fun and inexpensive way to have fun. Plus it’s a game all the kids (6-12) will enjoy. Thank you for sharing this.