In some countries, eating a frog is considered a delicacy. No offense intended but I think I will pass. That feeling I get in my stomach when I even think about eating a frog is the same feeling I get when I look at a task which needs to be done… but I don’t want to do it.
When Money Saving Mom wrote about a book she was reading called Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, I immediately checked our library and put the book on hold. One chapter into the book, I was clicking over to to purchase the book. Since working through the book one chapter at a time, I have seen a HUGE difference in the organization called “My Life.”
I have been so impacted by the book that even Bill has started practicing some of the ideas he sees in me. Eating a frogis contagious!
So, let the feast begin!
Starting next week, I will be hosting an “Eat That Frog” Reading Club right here in the comments of my blog and on Facebook and Twitter. (Just use the hashtag #EatThatFrog.)
Each week, I plan to move one chapter at a time through the book and show how putting the principles to work in my own life has changed my days, my mind, my sleep… my marriage. You name it. I would love for you to join me and see the difference that eating frogs can make.
I read Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time on my Kindle Touch
which downloads in seconds but you should also check your local library.
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