Our decision to try gluten-free eating was not been a quick idea. I have actually struggled with this thought for about seven years. You see, our family is full of reasons to try the gluten-free lifestyle. I have an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s Disease and struggle to keep my thyroid from swinging in these strange cycles between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. My husband is medicated for Attention Deficit Disorder. Our oldest daughter is diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our two sons have Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. The baby is not old enough to tell us what her issue is.
Meeting Udi’s Gluten Free
Recently, I met a representative for Udi’s Gluten Free and an idea popped into my head. Since we are willing to try anything during the Healthy Family Project, I thought I would ask her about possibly working together with Udi’s Gluten Free to try the gluten-free lifestyle. Imagine my surprise when she thought it was a fabulous idea.
Now, let me stop here and say that the FDA has not validated the gluten-free lifestyle as a method of treatment for any of the aforementioned disorders and neither does Udi’s Gluten-Free make such claims. This is just something our family has heard works for some and we are willing to try.
If you want to try this with us, you will certainly appreciate the gluten-free dinner planner. Actually, even if you are NOT gluten-free and have no desire to be, you will still enjoy these dinner ideas because they are delicious!
Swing by and pick up a coupon for $1 off any Udi’s Gluten-Free product.
Free printables for you ~
Linked with love at I’m an Organizing Junkie.
Dee Johnson says
Great menu. I have a tip. I use the Udi’s GF hotdog buns to make 2 small pizzas for my 4 yr old. Now he doesn’t feel left out when the other kids are having homemade french bread pizzas. 🙂 I have also made him rice pizza (just rice, sauce and cheese in a bowl and heated up). You learn to make do and adjust when you can’t have ‘normal’ breads and flour. 🙂 Good luck!
Penny says
FABULOUS tip, Dee. Thank you. 🙂
Amber says
This is fantastic!! I have a gluten intolerance, and have been eating the same old thing lately and this gives me a lot more ideas for dinner! Thanks so much 🙂
Amy says
Just so you know, people with Hashimotos shouldent eat certain veggies either such as : Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.
Penny says
My goodness! Some of my favorites. Any idea why?
Christy says
Perfect timing on this! We are preparing to switch to a gluten free life style (at least for 2 of us). My daughter and I are currently in testing for Celiac disease. It looks as though we both have it, but coordinating testing between adult and pediatric GI doctors isn’t fun.
Thanks for the information.
Paula says
So, I’m really curious…are you still on the gluten free, and what, if any, health benefits have you seen? Thanks in advance.
Gina says
I also have Hashi’s, and my son and I both have Celiac’s! We’re about a month into a Gluten Free living and I’m always looking to learn more and find more yummy foods!