I am so excited to announce the very first giveaway here on Growing Up Homeschooled and cannot believe that it is from Home Educating Family Publishing!
The Well Planned Day
With four children, a busy husband, and a home business, I often feel like I am chasing my tail. When you add sleep deprivation (courtesy of my five month old) to the stress of the day, I easily forget important details like appointments, birthdays, and website passwords. I knew that I needed a planner but wondered if I could find one that would include everything I needed because I only have room for one planner in my Mom-purse.
The Well Planned Day was the answer to all of my issues… except maybe the sleep deprivation, but with all the handy features, I definitely will not be losing sleep due to unnecessary stress.
Focused on the homeschool teacher and mom, this planner is packed with so much, I doubt I could show you everything.
My favorite feature might be hard to pick but there are several things which I appreciate tremendously. For instance, I love that it includes space for me to chart out my household duties for the week. I cannot begin to count the number of times I have jotted this on a legal pad only to lose the legal pad. Having it inside my planner will definitely help keep me on track.
The most brilliant piece of this planner would have to be the perforated shopping lists. Instead of trying to remember what we need from the store, I can make a list right inside my planner. When I am ready to go to the store (or ready to send Bill to the store), I can just detach the list. You get six lists for each month.
What else is in this planner?
- Each month at a glance
- A weekly breakdown with space to write lesson plans
- Pages for attendance, grades, and progress reports
- Daily schedules for the teacher and each student
- Perforated chore cards and report cards
- Holiday planning including activities, gift ideas, shopping and Christmas cards
- Monthly financial budget
- Space for weekly dinner menu planning and priorities
- Monthly accountability for reading lists, field trips and bills
- Listing for important contacts
- Suggested Scripture to read each day
- Encouraging Scriptures and quotations each week
- And more!
While this planner is the most comprehensive I have personally encountered, I will be making some minor alterations to make it more functional for me.
- I will be gluing a ribbon to the back page to use as a bookmark so I can have a holding place for where we are in the year.
- I also want to attach tabs to mark where each month starts for easy flipping when I am scheduling appointments.
- A pocket inside the front and back pages would be helpful for keeping up with my coupon envelopes, but I would probably just accumulate clutter so it is probably a good thing that they are not available.
- Since I am on the internet so much, I wish it had more space for websites and passwords but I will probably just make a list and tape it onto that page.
When I first saw this planner, I knew I had to have it and now that I have it, I love it. But, before you get green with envy, remember that you can have one too!
Buy It
Can’t wait? I don’t blame you! You can purchase The Well Planned Day from Home Education Family Publishing for only $24.95.
Win It
Mandatory Entry
Visit the Home Educating Family Publishing website and view their other products. Come back and leave a comment to tell me what you saw and loved.
Optional Entries (Not required to win. You must leave a comment for EACH action you accomplish in the comments of this post for it to count as an entry.)
- Like Home Educating Family Magazine and Well Planned Day Homeschool Planner on Facebook and leave a comment telling them that you are stopping by from Growing Up Homeschooled.
- Follow Home Educating Publishing on Twitter.
- Read an article from the Home Educating Family Publishing blog and tell me about what you read.
- Like Growing Up Homeschooled on Facebook.
- Like this giveaway on Facebook by clicking the button below or share it with your friends in your profile status.
- Follow me on Twitter (@PennyBlessed).
- Tweet about this giveaway by clicking the “tweet” button below or by posting the following: “Enter to win The Well Planned day #homeschool planner from @PennyBlessed and @HEFMagazine http://www.growinguphomeschooled.com/?p=666”
- Subscribe to Growing Up Homeschooled by Email or RSS reader.
Full Disclosure: I was provided with The Well Planned Day Planner by Home Educating Family Publishing for my personal use and one to give away. All opinions within this review are my own.
This giveaway will close on Wednesday, August 17th at 11:59 PM CST. All entries must be placed in the comment of this post to qualify. The author of this blog and Home Educating Family Publishing will not be held responsible for inerrant entries. The winner will be chosen by Random.org, will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond to the email. Lack of response will result in forfeiture and a new winner will be chosen.
Good luck!
This post is loving linked at the Help Momma Out Link Party and Hip Homeschool Moms Giveaway Day and Mama to 4 Blessings Super Saturday Giveaway Link Up.
I think the bundle packs from Home Educating Family with the Binder & planner look cute & useful. I also really like the magazines.
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I love the idea of this planner and it would be so helpful, as I am only in my 2nd year of homeschooling, I realize just how scattered brained I am…haha!
Signed up to be a part of the Affiliate Program. =)
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I had seen them at the THSC Convention. Loved it! I browsed around and saw the student planners. I’m sure I will love those when my kids are old enough to teach them how to plan out their day. Can’t wait to get my hands on one!
Being OCD like I am, I love, love, love this planner. There are many items on the website I like but this tops the list. There is a place for everything to be written down and kept all together. Wonderful for homeschooling, grocery shopping, planning, cleaning, and the list goes on. What a great give-a-way! 🙂
I love everything about this planner but sadly since it’s our first year it’s out of my budget right now. So I pray I win it!!!
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I visited the site and found many things I liked. I have already graduated 3 homeschooler children and have another just starting highschool this year. I love how the high school binder can be a 1, 2, 3 or 4 year planner!
I also love the mom planners and how beautiful they are.
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I am following Home Educating Family on Twitter! Thank you!
I visited the blog and read an article from the Home Educating Family Publishing blog.
I read about the gifts of homeschooling, it was inspiring.
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Thanks, BlessedCP
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Thank you!
Awesome giveaway! I love the planner, but would also like to get the binder!
I have been wanting to get one of these I need organization in all the chaos of life.
I’d like the floral binder combo. I think it wold be a great idea and maybe help me stay better organized.
I have wanting to order one of these! Just signed up for email subscriptions..thanks
I also like the binder/planner combo. It seems the binder has a lot of your “alterations.” I agree with them too; I like tabs for my calendar.
I love the bundle package #3!
I LOVE bundle package 1. I may have to order it. The watercolor binder is gorgeous!
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I think the Well Planned Day Combo is cute and very practical =) The Magazine looks Informative also
Oh, I need a Student Planner for my daughter! She loves having a planner. I also could probably use the one for myself.
I visited their website and loved this planner cover: http://www.wellplannedday.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=02SWFB
How cute is that!?!?
Thanks for this giveaway!
sweetpea101506 (at) aol (dot) com
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sweetpea101506 (at) aol (dot) com
I read an article from the Home Educating Family Publishing blog about celebrating wedding anniversaries.
sweetpea101506 (at) aol (dot) com
I like the retro binder combo. I’ve heard such great things about this product, I’d love to be able to try it!
I visited the website, and quite liked the zippered binders! I love their graphics. Very modern and fresh.
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I have this plannet and love love love it. I would like to get the highschool and junior high planners! I must add that I am so impressed with how thorough and well written your review is! Great job!
The On the Go Planner looked very nice!
I have been interested in purchasing this planner, but haven’t done it yet. I’ve read great things about it and I also think I’d like the On the Go Planner, too. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the planners for middle and high schoolers are great! I’m just starting with littles, but I sure wish someone had taught me to plan!
Other than the planner, I really like the looks of the magazine!
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Of course, I’d love to win this, but I’m also interested in the 4 yr high school planner. Love their magazine too! 🙂 Great giveaway, girl!
I already liked them on FB 🙂
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I follow you on Twitter! lol
I like your FB page. 🙂
Shared on FB.
Tweeted (because I seriously want this! lol)
I follow on twitter AND visited the website. I like the high school planner.
I went to the website. I used the well planned day planner last year & loved it. I want one for this year. I love the Bundle Package # 2 with the Well Planned Day Planner and Swirls and Floral Binder.
I liked Home Educating Family Magazine and Well Planned Day Homeschool Planner on Facebook & left a comment on their page that I stopped by from Growing up Homeschooled.
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I love the student planners! I’d love to get my kids into the habit of planning and making the most of their time.
I read Motherhood is a Calling (And Where your Children Rank) on the Home Educating Family Publishing Blog. Great perspective! Love it!
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Read the articles on your “C” day – linked to the ABC preschool – looks like a great resource!
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I loved the watercolor binder/planner set! What a beautiful way to get and stay organized!
‘Liked’ their facebook page, and told them you sent me! =)
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I read ‘College Bound’ on the HEFP blog. Good quote to ponder and share with my children that are growing up way too fast!
I love the highschool planner. Super easy to use.
Love to win a new planner for this year!