Paper can be a monster but it is possible to keep up without having a pile of paperwork haunting you.
Personally, I keep all of our papers in a 3 inch binder for the last year or so. In the front pocket, I keep field trip information distributed through my cover school as well as the school handbook. Then, I use a 3-hole punch and place my grades (in a page protector), attendance roster and lesson plans. Then, the binder is divided by child and subject. I used to keep all of their papers for fear that I would be questioned about whether or not I was actually having school but I have since loosened up and I only keep tests.
This year, I am thinking of changing a bit. I cannot decide if I am going to have a binder for each child’s tests or just a file folder. If I use a file folder, I could just have a manila file for each year placed in a hanging file folder for each child. I know I want to get a household planner and will keep that in a binder with my grades, attendance and lesson plans.
The point is… whatever type of organizational system you use, just use one! It really does make life a lot easier.
Here are some tips:
- Put papers away immediately. Don’t let them pile up because a pile in much more intimidating when it grows. Is it just me or do piles of paper tend to take on a life of their own?
- Have a system that works for you. No matter how much you paid for your system or even how well you planned out the one you created yourself, if it does not work for you it is not doing its job. Change systems.
- Keep it in the computer… but back-up regularly. Whatever you can keep in your computer, DO keep in your computer. It isn’t paper until you print it.
- Have a filing cabinet in the shadows. We have a filing cabinet in a closet in the boys’ room. This is where I stash old and new curriculum when I am not using it as well as filing away old tax forms/records, home warranties and homeschool information.
All-Inclusive Planners
The Well-Planned Day ~ An all-inclusive planner for homeschool and much more! I like to think of it as your entire life in a spiral binding.
Homeschool Creations Weekly Homeschool Planner ~ A wonderful resource full on pages where you can plan your homeschool, print the pages, and then use the templates year after year.
My FREE Attendance and Grades Template
Lesson Plans
My FREE Workbox Planner Template
My FREE Lesson Plans Template
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