My Christmas Tree will never be featured in a magazine. There is no theme that you can see without being a part of our immediate family because the theme of our tree is “memories.” Filled with ornaments from as far back as 1972, our Christmas Tree is a poignant reminder of from where we have come and all that we have touched… and all who have touched us.
But one thing is certainly true, our Christmas Tree is beautiful with ribbons, beads, and bows as well as store-bought and homemade Christmas ornaments.
Every person to ever gaze upon her 9 foot frame of artificial green boughs has been mesmerized by the beauty and the only way I can explain the wonder is to assume that our Christmas Tree radiates with love.
Homemade Christmas Ornaments Tour
I could show you ornaments from my parents’ first Christmas together, or the ones that I selected each year as a child that my mother gave to me when I married Bill. I could fill your ears with stories as I showed you the ornaments my children have selected as we carry on with the tradition of a new ornament each year.
But, the ones that hold my attention the longest are the homemade Christmas ornaments made over the years by me and my children.
Foam Snowman – Cut from a white foam sheet, Mr. Snowman was made one year when I didn’t think we would have any money for Christmas. I went through my craft cabinet and put together bits and pieces to create his humorous face.
Chenille Snowflakes –Â Simple silver chenille stems are twisted together and enhanced with silver and gold beads.
Handprint Santa Ball – One year, my son came home from preschool with this adorable handprint ornament. His tiny thumb is the top of Santa’s hat and his fingers are Santa’s beard.
Beaded Wreath – I have several of these beaded wreaths on my Christmas Tree. Some are made from traditional colors while others are brightly designed by tiny fingers. If you know what I mean.
Popsicle Rudolph – Three thick wooden craft sticks are glued together into a simple frame but embellished to look like the lead reindeer on Santa’s team.
Jingle Bell Reindeer – A gift from a sweet neighbor and made by her daughter, I love this silly reindeer made from a large bell and chenille stems.
Paper Chain – Created during our Advent countdown several years ago, this paper chain made from scrapbook paper was just too cute to trash when Christmas was over.
Thumbprint Mouse – A simple frame cute from foam encircles a simple piece of paper with my son’s little thumbprint decorated as a mouse.
Handprint Christmas Tree – Just paper and paint, this handprint Christmas tree is laminated and then adorned with glitter, sequins, and a brilliant star.
Handprint Snowmen Ball – Our happy snowman family was inspired by the handprint snowman ornament at Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Drummer Boy Drum – Made when I was in the first grade, this little drum is made from a tube and felt.I cannot believe it has lasted for these “blah-blah-blah” years. (You didn’t really think I was going to give my age away. Did you?)
Crocheted Wreath – One year, my mother made a multitude of these small crocheted wreaths. I love the soft stitches.
Cookie Cutter Ornaments – When Lira was an infant and our Christmas Tree was brand new, we wanted to allow her to touch our Christmas Tree without fearing her safety. So, I traced around cookie cutters on felt to make baby-safe ornaments.
Chenille Candy Canes – So simple and sweet. Twist two chenille stems together and put a crook in the stem to shape a candy cane.
Cardboard Christmas Trees – Another year when money was tight, I wanted to still make homemade Christmas ornaments with my children but all I had was a few empty cardboard boxes.
Beaded Candy Cane – A white chenille stem runs through these beads of alternating clear and red.
Baby Jesus Ornament – I wish I could remember from where the idea for this Baby Jesus ornament came but it is so simple, made from craft sticks and foam.
Shimmering Sea Shells – Another gift from a friend, two shells are hot glued together and then dusted with glitter. Remember that I live on the coast so there is nothing strange about sea shells on my Christmas Tree.
But I will spare you the pictures of the sand dollars and Santa crab.
Santa Handprint – Again, this is just paper and paint but laminated so that it will hang on my Christmas Tree forever.
Wooden Shapes – And assortment of wooden shapes hang on my tree, each painted by my two oldest children when they were just one and three years old.
Floral Styrofoam Ornaments – These homemade Christmas ornaments are among the oldest on my tree, made when I was a young child during a Christmas when my mother worked hard to make the holiday special despite a difficult financial situation.
Each of these homemade Christmas ornaments cost pennies to make but their value is priceless.
Looking for more homemade Christmas ornaments?
Follow my board on Pinterest.
Follow Tabitha Philen (Meet Penny)’s board Homemade Christmas Ornaments on Pinterest.
LOVED all of these. Ours look very similar. I love how personal our tree is every year.