This week was some kindergarten fun with the letters P, Q, R, and S. While I loved our study of the letter R, I think the letter P was my favorite. Who wouldn’t love a day dedicated to pirates?
Letter P
Argh! Ahoy thar, me hearties! Care to sail with the wee lad through his workboxes? Aye!
We started with a fun book, How I Became a Pirate and then had a Pirate Scavenger Hunt looking for items that begin with the Letter P.
He found a PICTURE of a PIRANA PLANT that he had drawn, a PENNY, a PURPLE bear, a PENCIL, and a PAPER bag PUPPET. So smart!
We also enjoyed some great printables from Gwyn’s Preschool Printables but they are no longer available on her website. Sorry about that!
Letter Q
This was the first day that I introduced our listening center. So, what a perfect opportunity for Franc to sit and listen to a book on a quilt.
I must confess… the morning of the letter Q…well, it was QUITE rough. So, we didn’t have any fun boxes as punishment. Boo-Hoo! But, we did read The Recess Queen.
Letter R
To make up for our ROUGH day, we had a great day when we studied the letter R. I really love the Robot Game I already told you about but there were some robot printables from Homeschool Creations we used. So cute!
Letter S
Our day was short so I did not get to do everything I planned for the letter S but we did play a space matching game. I printed out two sets of cards from 1+1+1=1 and let Franc play Memory with them.
I also filled a bucket with sand and let Franc play with funnels and jars. Not my greatest idea but I am thankful for the sheet I spread out on the floor!
Free Printable for You ~
Need more ideas?
This post is linked with love at Homeschool Creations’ Preschool Corner.
Looks like a fun week! I love the pirate scavenger hunt for letter P things 🙂
Hey! Your link for….. from Gwyn’s Preschool Printables does not link anywhere. Just wanted to let you know. 😀 Have a great school day!
Thanks for letting me know! In the post or on the lesson plan? (I will go check both.)
For me when I come to this page and look at our comments. I scroll up and it is in this sentence…..We also enjoyed some great printables from Gwyn’s Preschool Printables. When I click the link in this sentence it says: Blogger: Page not found and does not exist on the page itself. Just checked it again and got the same message.
Well… it would appear that she has decided to remove the free printables and sell them at another website. What a bummer.
Well, that’s a shame.