Finding one-on-one time with each child in your life can be difficult when you have more than one child. But children desperately need quality time alone with their parents to feel loved and secure.
If you want to see your child thrive, you might need to get a little creative with your one-on-one time.
My youngest son peered at me over the top of the folded towels I had precariously stacked as I was folding clothes.
“Mommy, I want to sit by you.”
“Not now,” I replied. “I’m folding the laundry.”
His head dropped below the horizon of Mount Laundry but his voice still carried. “I just wanted to snuggle.”
It had been a busy week. Super busy. We had walked alongside their best friends as they mourned the death of a parent as well as balancing a ton of Spring events and festivities. If our nights were full, our days were fuller.
I realized that he was missing the one-on-one time he normally shared with me.
What would you do when caught between responsibilities and nurture?
Me? I chose nurture and pushed the pile of laundry away, grabbed my son, and hugged him closely. We sat for fifteen minutes watching simple craft videos on YouTube because that it what he loves to do.
But, if there are times when it’s impossible to find quality family time, it is even harder to spend individual time with the children since there are four of them and one of me.
One-on-One Quality Time with Kids
Here are some very practical ways to spend one-on-one time with each child.
1. Take turns letting them stay up late
This is a huge one for the child because who wouldn’t want to stay up past bedtime? The kids may fight a little bit about it, but soon you will have a routine that everyone loves.
Let each child take turns staying up late. They can curl up and watch a show with you or play a game with you. Spend time talking with your child using conversation starters and get to know them a little better.
Your children are unique and special. Sometimes, we just need a reminder to take the time to see it.
2. Bake together / Spend time it the kitchen together
Millions of parents spend time with their kids working together in the kitchen.
Call each child (one at a time) into the kitchen and let them take turns helping you with something. Or do as I do and place the children on a rotation where each one has an assigned night each week to be the dinner helper.
Related: Join the One Extra Smile a Day Challenge
It may take patience to have kids help in the kitchen, but it’s totally worth it. You’re teaching them practical life skills and spending lots of quality time with them at the same time.
3. Take turns grocery shopping
Most kids don’t care how they spend one on one time with you, as long as they get it. By taking turns grocery shopping with each child, you are squeezing in that one-on-one time while you take care of a necessary chore.
Grocery shopping is something you have to do anyways, so why not use it as quality time with your kids?
4. Spend time reading a book together
We often get caught up in expensive ways to spend one-on-one time together with each child, but truly reading a book together is one of the best – and most inexpensive – ways to spend quality time together with your child.
Related: Bedtime Routine: 100 Bedtime Stories to Read Aloud Printable
Take it a step further and set up a little reading nook for you and the kids. This is such a simple and fun way to spend time with your children, giving them the snuggles they desire.
5. Take a walk together
Looking for a way to spend time with your kid, but also stay active?
You can spend time with each child by taking a walk together. Pick a day of the week and let a different kid come with you.
This is especially smart if you are looking for ways to motivate your video game kids to move more or need time alone with your teenager.
You might be surprised as to how much kids crave time with their mom and dad. A quick walk around the neighborhood might open up amazing opportunities for deep conversation.
How do you spend quality time with each child?
Finding time to spend one-on-one time with each of your kids, can be tough. But they grow up too fast to not make this a priority.
What are some simple ways you carve out quality time alone with each child? Leave me a comment because I would love to know.
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