For the 2011-2012 school year, we will study the United States (from Confessions of a Homeschooler) as our Geography and Apologia’s Exploring Creation With Botany as our Science and will study those subjects together. We will also continue the electives we started during the summer:
How to Teach Art to Children, Grades 1-6
Bastien Piano Basics: Piano Primer Level (Primer Level, WP 200) ~ for Lira only
I have prayerfully chosen the following curriculum for individual study:
2nd Grader
Lira is eight years old and was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, PDD-NOS. Although she has an IQ of superior ranking, she does not know how to process information easily. Her favorite subject is math and she enjoys reading and drawing picture books. She had a fine motor delay and struggles with handwriting.
Bible ~ Little Visits with God, AWANA Sparks Handbook
Penmanship ~ Handwriting Transition Student Worktext (Reason for Handwriting)
Spelling ~ Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary, Grade 2
Phonics/Reading ~ Horizons Phonics, Grade 2
Math ~ Horizons Math, Grade 2
Franc is five years old and technically, he should not be starting Kindergarten this year. However, he is extremely bright and already knows more than most children his age. Franc appears to be a natural learner, is very inquisitive and emotional. His first love? The alphabet! He knows each one by name and sound and is trying to learn to read.
Bible ~ Little Visits with God, AWANA Sparks Handbook
Reading ~ Learn to Read Kindergarten Complete – Amazon Exclusive Edition
Spelling, Phonics, and Math ~ Brain Quest Workbook: Kindergarten with supplemental material from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Note: I decided against using A Reason for Spelling: Student Workbook Level a (Reason for Spelling: Level A) since it just seemed to move faster than I wanted for Franc to go at his age.
At three years old, Ruble wants to do everything is older siblings do and often mimicks their behavior. While I would like to wait a year before starting a formal preschool education with him, Ruble has other plans.
Letter of the Week by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Various hands-on learning activities
Little Learner
As we started our homeschool year, Ariary was five months old. Much of her homeschool day will be spent on Mommy’s lap or napping… preferably NAPPING. As she grows, she will be introduced to more stimulating activities to expose her to sights, sounds, textures and tastes.
Various hands-on learning activities
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