This is the first year that I have four active bodies to keep busy during our homeschool time, and I have to admit being more than a little nervous about how our homeschool year is going to work… without me going crazy.
In order to insure that I would maintain my sanity, I took a deep whiff of Peace and Calming Essential Oil and got real with myself. What really needed to change?
Change begins with finding the problem
After reviewing my own back to school bootcamp plan from last year, I considered creating a new chore chart but realized that there was nothing wrong with the chart I had. We just needed to… cough, cough… use it consistently.
I reviewed our discipline plan and the Virtue Meter we use with We Choose Virtues curriculum is working well. No changes needed there except for more… consistency.
A pattern started to develop. I noticed that all of my homeschool plans and printables were awesome. Our problem was that our lack of consistency was creating stress and discord. What could I do to increase my dependability and see my children also improve?
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Based on the verses in 1 Corinthians 9, I created a simple printable to tie everything together.
DOWNLOAD: 30-Day “Run the Race” Goal Tracker
Every month, the children choose a prize, like a trip to the party place or out to eat. As a family, our goal is to complete all of our chores and schoolwork each day, and when we do, we mark off one running man. After 30 days of consistently getting our jobs done, we will be rewarded with the prize they have chosen.
Change means eliminating extra stress
After looking over everything we had done last year and what needed to be done this year, a few areas needed additional change in order to remove potential stress that might disrupt our day.
Our new homeschool schedule
Our homeschool schedule from last year functioned well, but now that Ariary has grown, I want to make sure that our time literature unit studies were fun but focused. So I did make some minor tweaks to have some study time while Ariary is taking her afternoon nap.
I also scheduled our week differently. Since our co-op meets on Tuesdays, Monday will be more about home economics, history, and unit study while the rest of our week will have an emphasis on math and reading.
Essentially, I know I cannot eliminate the stress from our homeschool completely, but I can find ways to stress less.
Additional Resources for Building a Homeschool Schedule
- See how I fit everything into my day as a work from home, homeschooling mother.
- View our homeschool schedule from last year and grab our free printable chore chart.
- Consider how I once scheduled my homeschool lesson plans to keep them flexible.
- Get started with a back to school boot camp because preparation yields a smooth start.
- Print a Virtue Meter to establish character and discipline in your homeschool.
This post is linked with love at the NOT Back to School Blog Hop.
Brandy Holbrook says
I just found this website via pinterest! I haven’t gotten a chance to check everything out yet but I am so excited to have found it! You see, I, too am homeschooling 4 children, and the youngest with autism. My children’s ages are 12, 10, 7 (soon to be 8) and 5 (soon to be 6) and this is our 3rd year of homeschooling, but our 1st with all four of them. I have been searching for someone or some website that would be befitting to us. Not too many people have 4+ children any more so it is hard to find information for large families, especially ones who deal with autism. I just wanted to say I am really looking forward to exploring your website. Thanks!
Brandy Holbrook
Penny says
Wow, Brandy! What an encouraging comment. Thanks so much! Just let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
Michele Sifuentes says
Great post! However, it’s Brandy Holbrook’s comment that moved me to comment! Brandy, while I only have 3 boys & the oldest is grown, I am homeschooling the younger two, who are 7 (almost 8) and (just turned) 6. They also both have autism. So that’s what caught my attention. I often feel alone in my struggles, and I would love to connect with you so that we could be an uplifting source of support for one another! Interested???
Tonya says
Hello Penny! I too found this on Pinterest and I’m so excited to dig in further! I am very type-A, organized, detail oriented etc. but as a new homeschooler I’m a bit bogged down w/info overload and not knowing exactly what to do and when!!! I only have 2 little ones so I’m starting from the very beginning but I’m excited to possibly set up my whole year like this! Thank you SO much for taking the time to put this all out here!
Blessings, Tonya
Penny says
Awesome! I am glad this encourages you. There can be so much information about homeschool around. We really just need more practical advice. Just my opinion as a homeschool mom, not as a blogger. 😉
Ashley says
Hi, I am not able to get the printable goal checker, is this still available? Thank you