I know a lot of people feel like resolutions once a year set them up for failure. Even more people feel like New Year’s resolutions should be made monthly or even daily. For me, I love the feel of a clean calendar and a fresh year. Especially this year.
For our family, 2011 was rough. I am calling it “The Year of Struggle” because it seemed like we faced problems, trials, sickness, and death at every turn. Just as we thought things were going to get better, we would be faced with an entirely new set of circumstances.
Despite all the difficulties, God proved Himself faithful and here we are at the beginning of a new year and anticipating what this year will bring. As a matter of fact, Bill and I have already determined that this will be “The Year of Productivity.” Our main goal is to do all things well for the glory of God. Aside from that, here are my resolutions:
Professional ~
- Create and maintain an editorial calendar. I want to know what I am going to blog and when instead of flying by the seat of my pants and blogging each night for the next day.
- Publish an ebook, The Best of Penny. I have been planning this for a year but never made it a priority.
- Have a guest post published on Money Saving Mom, $5 Dinners, Life As Mom, and Hip Homeschool Moms… maybe a few others… if invited… or if begging works.
- Attend a blogger’s conference. (I am currently looking for sponsors. If you would like to build a mutually beneficial relationship with me and have a family-friendly business/product, I would love to discuss the possibilities with you.)
- Have an estore and an affiliate program so other bloggers can make some money by sharing my products.
- Make $150 a month from the blog by the end of the year. It is okay to want to make money from your blog. Afterall, I spend about 20 hours a week on this webpage and the attached social media. That’s a part-time job! But, it is a job I LOVE. Thanks for reading!
Personal ~
- Show more respect to my husband. I am an extremely blessed woman. When God gave me Bill, He gave me the best, and I want to make sure I am showing my husband how much I appreciate him in what I say and do.
- Smile more at my children. Lately, it has been hard to smile and I think I have seen the results of my stern expressions in the behavior of my children. But when I smile at them, they are completely different. And you know, they are really great kids, and they deserve a smiling mother.
- Lose weight. I am still reminded daily of the cost of obesity but in the mess of the last few months, I lost motivation to do anything about it. Until now. At this time next year, I will weigh 48 pounds less.
- Not say anything negative in social media all year long. Sometimes, I get carried away with my venting and I certainly do not want to come across as a bitter person. God has blessed me greatly and I want to honor Him, even on Facebook and Twitter.
- Create a home organization binder. I am so inspired by Life As Mom and her Bible… I mean brain… I mean BINDER. My goal is to make one this year. (By the way, you can get $2 off any purchase $8 or more in the Life As Mom estore until January 8th.)
- Have an organized home. This might be the hardest one of all but it is already a work in progress and with 364 days to get there.
I will give you my homeschool goals soon!
What are your goals for the new year?
Your comments make my day!
My friend Jenny referred me to your blog, and I can help with #3 on the Professional list! 😀 We’d love to have you do a guest post or column over on our blog for Money Saving Mondays. Email me at editor-AT-americanvirtuemagazine-dot-com- and we can discuss!
Thank you, Melonie. I sent you an email.
Melonie, You’re such an awesome networker and helper-of-others! Thanks for helping Penny! 🙂
Hey! I am all for #1! I need to do that as well! You can do this. I love the new site by the way 🙂
Thanks, Leo. I am sitting here dreaming of a Five Guys Cheeseburger but diving for the carrot sticks. LOL We will see. 😉
Sadly, I work right next door to the Five Guys on Old Shell. So everytime I walk outside I smell it. Sigh…
WOW. I would gain 100 pounds.
I am one of those people you mention in the beginning–resolution=failure to me. However, I am determined to “just keep swimming” as my mascot Dory would say. 😉 Thanks for sharing your resolutions. They are fantastic, and I’m glad to have you as my friend.
Awww… {{SUPER BIG CYBER~HUGS}} I feel so warm and toasty inside. One day, we will meet face to face. 🙂