~ Ruble is currently 35 months old ~
What do they say about best intentions? Yeah. This week, I was supposed to be SuperMom but when Monday morning rolled around, my house was an absolute disaster from a weekend of preparing for a consignment sale. Do you know how hard it is to have school when your house is in such chaos that you cannot find a spot to set up the fold-up table?
So, on Monday, we had a home economics kind of day so I could clear some space.
Then, we got into a bit of a groove… until the phone rang and it was the local CBS affiliate wanting to interview our frugal family for the evening news. I looked around my home and knew we had trouble. More cleaning ensued… only to be followed by a sudden head cold which seemed more like strep throat and disabled five out of six people in this house.
So, I had this awesome lesson plan for the week (which you can download for free below) but we didn’t get to do much of it.
Oh, as for the interview, I had to bump that to this Thursday. I figured that the reporter didn’t want to run the risk of getting strep throat.
I is for Ice
Ice melting is fun but bean scooping is better! Ruble had a blast scooping beans into ice trays and it was such a simple sensory activity. We took turns burying one another’s feet and running our hands through the beans.
We also played a game or ten of Don’t Break the Ice and then built igloos out of the cubes from the game.
I is for Ice Cream
I love these ice cream printables. Great for patterning activities.
Have I ever told you about my obsession with ice cream? No? Another time perhaps.
I tried to convince Bill to take us to Marble Slab but between his schedule, sick children and the household disarray, he opted for swinging by the store and picking up the stuff for sundaes. (More on our sundae party soon!)
The ice cream melting was NOT Ruble’s favorite part.
Free Downloads for you ~
Ice Cream Patterning Printables
Need more ideas?
Jenny says
Sounds like a rough week. Hope everyone is feeling better now. Loved the idea with the beans.
Penny says
Thank you, Jenny. It’s just been one thing after another, but isn’t it always like that? ;
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas says
hope everyone is feeling better! Thanks for linking to the Sunday Showcase & hope to see you again this week!