I cannot tell you how many times I have written out a schedule for cleaning my home only to abandon it two days later. Either it doesn’t work or I forget or get distracted… Regardless, my house is never clean and I am always disappointed that I did not get more done.
Perhaps that is why the book, Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule, appeals to me so much.
Written with the belief that there is not a cookie-cutter schedule that works for every home, this eBook will help you:
…create a plan tailor-made for you by using the step-by-step guide.
…consider a master list of every cleaning task you might have and give you the resources you need to accomplish those tasks better and faster by linking back to “how to” posts.
Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule includes calendar templates for you to use when creating your schedule and it is short. At only 17 pages, it is quick and easy to read.
I love this:
If you are someone who has a spotless home that always looks perfect and everything is always in it’s place, this is not the guide for you! BUT, if you are overwhelmed, can’t seem to get it all done, and need help getting and maintaining a clean and organized home, then Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule is made for you!
Sign me up! And get one for yourself too! Only $5.99. Available HERE.
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