Normally, when you see a service offering a free credit score, you assume that it is a scam or that there must be hidden charges. I think that way too. So, when I saw the offer for Credit Sesame, I wanted to check it out before telling you about it. I never want to promote something on my blog that is not trustworthy.
I signed up a couple of months ago and it was super simple. They didn’t ask for any credit card information but I did have to answer some security questions to verify my identity. They are the kind of questions based on the information in your credit report that only you would know how to answer.
Now, each time my credit score is updated, I get an email and can click through to access my account. I also get an email once in a blue moon that tells me if they have found any offers that will save me money.
I have not noticed an increase in unsolicited emails and Credit Sesame has not tried to push me into anything.
Overall, I would highly recommend Credit Sesame as a way to keep up with your credit score.
Do you use Credit Sesame?
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[…] Amounts owed has to do with how much credit you consistently use each month vs. how much you have available (typically called a credit limit). You should aim to keep the ratio of credit used to credit limit below 20% for a top notch credit score. […]