When the two youngest children go down for nap, I sometimes find it difficult to keep the older two entertained. They will stay quiet for a little while and sometimes will sit still if I put on the television, but I would rather use that time creatively. At the same time, I need to get some of my work done.
So, one of the things I created for them was the Rest Time Art Basket.
I went through out arts and crafts cabinet and collected a bunch of “stuff.” Bits and pieces of scrap paper, remnants from old projects, markers, glue, scissors, tape, stickers and more. Then, I tossed in some recycle materials like cardboard tubes, formula cans and such.
Next, I put a few nicer supplies into a box like beads, sequins, stick-on jewels and pieces of tissue paper. This box fits right inside the basket with everything else, giving the children a one-stop art shop.
There were no instructions except to stay quiet and have fun.
Lira designed a flima-majig.
Franc designed the hippatomogator. (I think we have been watching a bit too much Cat in the Hat!)
See the green button? That’s what makes it go.
They used their imaginations and played with their contraptions too. It really was fun to observe their young minds at work.
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