Road Trip USA from Confessions of a Homeschooler is designed to give your child periodic reviews of the states they study. If you are not a techie, don’t worry. Everything you need is in the curriculum. My kids, however, are very technologically oriented. Hmmm… wonder if that has anything to do with their Mommy being a blogger? You think? Ha!
So, I created a Jeopardy PowerPoint presentation that works much like the gameshow on television.
You just click on the category and dollar amount to go to the question. To return to the game board, just click the work “back.”
I let the children use their notebooks to help find the answers to even the playing field a little bit.
It is super simple but just in case you have any problems with it, let me know.
My children love it and I hope your children will too!
Free Downloads for You ~
- Connecticut_Delaware Jeopardy Review (PowerPoint)
A Question…
Rebecca recently asked me how often we were working on our Road Trip USA study. I really struggled when planning how quickly to go through it and finally decided to do one state a week and just finish it up in the summer as we transition into a year-round school schedule. I might do sneak in an extra state on some weeks just to keep it from lapping over into the fall.
Thanks for the Jeopardy! My kids will love it. We just started Road Trip USA and we are also doing one state per week. We do a 4 weeks on, 1 week off, and 6 weeks off during summer schedule. We are planning to just continue Road Trip USA next year until we finish it up.
That is awesome, Robyn! I am so glad they are enjoying it. I will have the second review ready by Friday. (Hopefully sooner.)
I love knowing about your schedule. That is exactly what I have been considering since Bill has 6 weeks off during the summer. I am happy to know that it works!