Are you keeping up with how much you are saving at the store each trip? You should be! Believe it or not, at some point you will grow tired of coupons and stockpiles and sales ads and you will want to stop. A few weeks later, when you stockpile grows bare and your grocery budget is maxed out, you will want to remember the days when you money bought more.
Having your savings in a black and white format which you can reference periodically will keep you motivated.
There are probably as many ways to track your savings as there are to organize your coupons. As always, it is a matter of what works in your lifestyle. If you want to just put receipts in a Ziploc bag, then do it. If you prefer a more precise approach, then maybe one of the following ideas will help you.
There is an amazing Excel download available HERE from The Coupon Project. With it, you can:
- Easily input your monthly and yearly goals
- Enter data from your receipts and let the preset formulas tally your spending, savings, actual-to-budget, and more
- Track and manage your rebates
- Determine how much you saved with coupons, store sales, and rebates
- Have your monthly and year-to-date savings ratio update instantly
If you want to break down your savings at each store, you can view an example of that HERE at IHeartPublix. That one tends to scare the daylights out of me, and I like to think that I am a very intelligent person… but it might be perfect for you.
Personally, I created a spreadsheet available for you to download for free HERE. I post my savings to this spreadsheet each month.
Here is a tip: Start from today forward. You could always go back and try to figure it out for the last couple of months if you wish, but if you are busy like me, do not stress yourself out! Just start from where you are.
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